Open Training Program
Let us forget the notion that each aspect has a training program.
Sometimes they have one; sometimes less, sometimes more.
You can always go and research past training programs.
Let us introduce a further training initiative.
A new program that each and every person can sink their teeth into. Quite simply, if you can read this, you can participate, be you a forum guest, to a light master.
Every fortnight a lecture will be released.
It will be sticky.
In that lecture, or more accurately, lesson, will be an exercise that you can do if you please.
You can write it up in your holocron if you wish. You can ignore it if you wish. You can do what you damned well like with it.
We do however beg you to take the initiative.
Lessons will come from a variety of writers to give a variety of different directions and ideas and hopefully flood your mind with various methodologies, upon which you can build your own.
If you wish to contribute, feel free to PM a piece to a dark council member who will post it for assessment. A rough list of 'rules' on a piece can also be attained upon asking.