This very simple and subtle exercise is used to get a feeling for one's intention
Prelims - Make sure you are sitting in a chair that is within 5 meters of a door and positioned so that you can see the door’s handle clearly (i.e., no obstructions in the way between you and the door).
Relaxation - Sit comfortably in a chair (back straight, feet flat on the ground) and close your eyes. Move your mind through your body, relaxing each of your muscles, working from head to toes, and paying particular attention to areas that you detect to be tense.
Note: I assume that most of you are able to consciously relax. If not, then let me know, and I will post a relaxation OTP.
Observing - After you have relaxed your body, open your eyes and gently focus your attention on the door handle in front of you, while still maintaining your relaxation. Maintain this relaxed meditative feeling until you decide to move on to the next stage.
Intent - Now imagine that you are getting up out of the chair and walking towards the door. Imagine that you are placing your hand (left or right) on the door’s handle and are either pushing or turning the handle to open the door. Go through this scenario a few times, making each repetition more real, more salient. While doing this mental activity, remain seated and maintain your relaxation throughout (i.e., limit physical movement).
Comparison - Now sit and feel the difference between the “observing” state and the “intent” state. As soon as possible, write down and record any feelings or insights you gain from this.
Finish – Complete the exercise by actually getting up and opening the door exactly as you imagined it to be. So if you stepped first with your right foot, then do the same or if you opened the door with your left hand, open it with that hand, etc.
There are other variations to this exercise, such as standing static in your martial arts stance in a relaxed “observer” mind state (outdoors or indoors) and imagining an aggressor coming into your yard/home and approaching you. It is tough, but maintain your relaxation throughout. Again, see what the differences are in both states, bearing in mind that you are not actually moving physically at all, but changes are most definitely occurring deep within.
I will add an addendum to this training thread at a later date for those who are interested so that one can progress from this level.