Take the time to get acquainted with yourself

We know that sounds odd, but few students have ever paid enough attention to their thoughts and actions to actually have any insight into themselves. Often others know the student far better than she knows herself. That means that they can predict how she is going to act and react better than she can. That is why people develop what is called a reputation. People are known by the way they conduct themselves and handle situations as well as their skills.

That is why we admonish students to monitor their thoughts and edit them before they pass into existence. Even though an idea seems like a fine one at the time, examine it carefully before acting upon it. Try to see if it can backfire on you, causing pain to yourself and those around you. After all, the idea is yours, and you may give it birth or bury it. The choice, oh creator, is yours.

Therefore, consider well your words and deeds. Words are like small seeds; once cast upon the wind, they cannot be called back. Deeds are stronger yet, for they have a toehold in the here and now. An idea can arrive in a blink, be executed in a flash, and take years to undo.

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