The Sith perspective on morality is an interesting one to be sure, and something I have thought on at great length. To begin with we must first look at the origin of morality, a topic which has received its fair share of debate over the many centuries. In this regard, there are two primary schools of thought: those who believe that our perspectives on right and wrong come from our own human nature, and those who more accurately believe that objective ideas of right and wrong can only come from a god or higher power.
Morality as an objective truth cannot exist without god. Without some kind of higher power or controlling force to set the rules, there can be no real rules. This is why those who argue that morals come from human nature are wrong. Human nature is chaotic and self-serving, not moral; it must be taught right from wrong. That being said, my own stance on this debate is that too often the wrong question is being asked. Both sides agree on morality and what is morally right or wrong; their disagreement instead comes from where they believe these morals originate. In truth, both sides are fooling themselves. The question they should be asking is not where morality comes from, but whether objective morality really exists in the first place.
Defenders of religion like to use the point addressed earlier, that objective morality cannot exist without god, as a way of proving the existence of god. What they do not consider is that, yes, objective morality cannot exist without god, but that simply means the two are connected, and not that either truly exists.
So back to the original question, what is the Sith perspective on morality? To put it quite simply, there is no objective morality. A Sith shouldn't believe in concepts like right or wrong as being universal or objectively true. As Adolf Hitler, of all people, best put it: "Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong." Sith believe in success, and in order to achieve that, we follow a doctrine of strength above all else. The Sith ideology teaches a form of social Darwinism, which states that life is a struggle for survival in which the strongest naturally prosper at the expense of the weak—survival of the fittest.
After all, as Sith, we accept and embrace our own human nature. Like I explained earlier, human nature is chaotic and self-serving, not moral. We seek to create a world in which the natural laws of "might means right" and "survival of the fittest" are adhered to above all other interpretations of morality. Sith do not believe in right or wrong, only success, and the strength to achieve it.