Appendix 1: My Name is Fight

I have fell a trillion times,
I have faced a thousand enemies,
I have tasted defeat,
I have fell on the way towards the place where I'm going,
But I always got up,
I always kept walking,
And now I challenge you.

I won't ask your name,
You're just an obstacle in my way,
Even if you're God or a man,
If you keep obstructing my way,
I will fight to defeat you.

You destroy my body,
Yet I'm still standing,
You crush my mind,
Yet my eyes still see yours,
You may be limitless times more powerful,
But I will fight until I defeat you.

Only then I can carry on in my way.

Aware that I will not give up,
You ask me my name.

"My name is fight." It's what you hear from me.

As a walker in the path of darkness you might have the gift most people do not have,

As a walker in the path of darkness you might have knowledge and intelligence most people do not have,
As a walker in the path of darkness you might have the desire for power no one else has,
But if you lack determination to endure the path,
You're as good as a corpse.

If you lack the determination to grow even when you're a seed,
If you lack the determination to blossom even when it's winter,
If you lack the determination to live even when you're dying,
Then you're as good as a corpse.

If you lack the determination to win even when you're losing,
If you lack the determination to learn when you have made mistakes,
If you lack the determination to heal when you're sick,
Then you're as good as a corpse.

If you lack the determination to walk your path,
If you lack the determination to fight for victory until the end,
Then you're as good as a corpse.

If you lack the determination to win even when your opponent is God,
Then you're as good as a corpse.

A walking corpse is just as good as any other corpse,
Both stink and exist to be buried or to be the meal of scavengers.

The world belongs to the living,
The dead are buried.
Shall I bury you?

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