I stand poised at the brink

Before me lies an endless sea of possibilities, shifting, ebbing, flowing, ever in motion. As I glance behind me, I see footprints tracing a crooked path. It explores the valleys, the pleasant meadows, the dank overgrown forest, the bare craggy mountain side. The footprints end where I stand overlooking the sea.

I feel the salt-spray misting my face as the waves break against the rocks. The sound crashing against my eardrums, reverberating throughout my skull. The cry of a gull pierces through the tumult, drawing my gaze skyward. There, against an azure sky small white clouds skitter on the breeze. The gull has flown ahead, and my vision is not keen enough to follow it in flight. The bird becomes a speck against the horizon and then is lost. What is this sensation I feel inside?

I yearn to see through the gull’s eyes, to hear with its ears, to fly free into the unknown. With some regret, I contort myself to look upon my back, knowing the wings I hope to see do not exist. In resignation, I slowly stumble back along the twisted path of my life.

The seams are caulked, the joints sealed, the oar replaced. A goodly length of line is assembled, ready to tether my ‘magic carpet’ in safe ports of call. An anchor is stowed on board, useful for moments of stillness. After assembling a few basic provisions, a little water, something to munch, a hat to keep off the blinding rays of the sun by day, a jacket for the chilly nights, the skiff is set back into the sea. I step aboard, and begin rowing toward the horizon, being pulled along by the memory of the gull’s cry. My mission: to reach the place where the land touches the sky, and see what it offers. To open the book of Knowledge and drink deeply from its pages. At the end of my day, I anchor the skiff and sink into dream, resting for the day to come.

"In the drowsy dark cave of the mind
dreams build their nest with fragments
dropped from day's caravan."
- Rabin-Dranath Tagore

We can follow the gull throughout our lives, in every day. What is it you long for? That is your gull. Do not retreat along the path of self-doubt, or despair. Instead, list out what is necessary to reach your desire, and then begin the task of assembling the tools. Once prepared, you are ready to set out on your journey.

In our studies here and throughout life, we are on a journey towards the self. To know ourselves to the very core. From there, we can move ahead to even more challenging lessons. As you and I take our journey through the program, keep always in mind what it is you are aiming towards.

Each week as you sit down to review your daily journal entries, think about the direction you are headed. I recommend making a note of it in your journal, to track your progress along your path.

"The ideal is in thyself, the impediment too is in thyself." - Thomas Carlyle

Do not be discouraged if you do not know what your direction is. This is a learning time, as is all of life. The important thing is to question yourself, and think & meditate upon where you are headed. In time, your direction will become clear to you.

Once your path is visible before you, walking it will be less confusing, less difficult. Knowing your path or direction will not make it an easy journey. What it will do is help you to keep your way when the world around you offers up confusing, conflicting choices.

"The tissue of Life to be
We weave with colors all our own,
And in the field of Destiny
We reap as we have sown."
- John Greenleaf Whittier

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Disclaimer: The Knights of Sith makes no claims to material published under any names other than Kronos. This website is simply a collection of materials from across the internet and from many different sources and authors for education purposes. All sources for material will be listed and/or linked and all credit will be given at all times applicable.