It is often said that in order to understand and possess some quality in life, one has to have a purpose. This doesn’t refer to the idea of what one may want to do with their life, but rather the reason why one bothered to live in the first place. Some call this a higher purpose, others call it destiny. Whatever the view, it revolves around the age-old question, “Why are we here?”
The existence of the human race is a complex subject and a rather ambitious one to tackle when you consider the nature of individuality. To simplify the question, one should first ask, “Why am I here? What is my purpose?”
Many feel only religion or intense spiritual practice can truly answer the question. That is up for debate. However, one can certainly gain an idea of what to do with a little introspection and analysis. It may not give you the complete answer, but it will give you a good idea. By examining one’s traits and tendencies (including the flawed ones), a pattern is often revealed. We all have our favorite activities and certain interests that grip us more than the usual “that would be fun” reaction. Some thrive on the feeling they get from teaching. Some are obsessed with solving things considered impossible to answer. Others are driven to create aesthetically pleasing things. Whether it’s a compulsion to help, to learn, to teach, to solve, to create, to accomplish, or to understand, there is a core tendency in each of us. Ignoring this core can lead us to do foolish things to distract us from it. Not understanding our purpose causes an intangible ache that leads people to seek happiness in places they’ll never find it. When they don’t find that joy, they may lean towards destructive ways to kill the pain, leading to more severe consequences.
Some believe in karma as part of their personal philosophy, thinking that one's actions will be repaid in kind – if not in this life, then in the next. Karma isn’t simple. It can be defined as “cause and effect.” Some causes have obvious effects, but not everything happens on the surface. Each effect becomes a cause, generating its own effects. This sets off a chain reaction with far-reaching consequences. Being cautious in one’s actions and purposes is wise when considering this cause-and-effect pattern. Whether or not one believes in karma doesn’t change the fact that each action yields consequences – good, bad, or debatable.
Returning to the subject of purpose and personal philosophy, the views held by a person shape their reactions, opinions, and outlook on life. Spirituality and religion can play a part, but not always. Individuals can separate “the self” from their worldly beliefs. This is often shown by those with hypocritical tendencies. This brings us back to self-introspection and understanding the core of our being. One should take inventory of what they love to do, what fascinates them, and why. It is something that resonates strongly within, causing excitement that motivates action. It is vital to that person’s spirit. A simple hobby won’t provoke this reaction, but a recurring theme across interests could reveal a hidden purpose. When the pattern is discovered, it becomes clear.
Once the purpose is found, it is generally broad. There are many ways it can be achieved, which requires further thought. With some imagination and ingenuity, one can combine several interests into a life purpose that defines them.
Questions to Consider:
What do you love to do?
What issues or matters speak to you?
Whom do you admire and why?
What is the one thing you couldn’t live without?
How do your talents support your interests?
Is there anything you felt "born to do"?