The library contains all our essays, courses, and histories
Seti _After a dispute within the Dark Council at, Seti would go on to found the Sithist Cabal, a unique, cl...
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A Code
A Code Believe this. Believe that every second spent following this code is a second not spent leading your own life....
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A Dark Apprentice
Dark Apprentice The darker side of the Force is your need, your desire, your thought. It makes you, it will construct y...
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A Jedis First Battle
A Jedi's first true battle is with oneself, and no one else. Only when you have done this can you truly become a Jedi. ...
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A Jedis Greatest Ally
A Jedi’s Greatest Ally A Jedi's greatest ally is the force. The Jedi's use of the Force is his greatest skill and most...
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A Knife and a Rose
A Dark Master's Warning To Aspiring Students One threatens your life, The other threatening your pose. Before it's ...
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A Solid Foundation
Over the last few years while working on site development, I have reflected often on just what a solid foundation is. Wh...
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A Thought Towards Destiny
Greetings I have read many posts concerning the correct behavior to catch the attention of a master. While all possible...
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Welcome Over the last 30 years, hundreds of people from around the world have come together to define a new movement: t...
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Adharma Sutra
Introduction The Four Great Reminders Agman. - Life is a war, to live is to fight, to fight it’s to live. Ajihina. - ...
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Alert Mind Ready Body
Alert Mind, Ready Body This is the dark version of the previous lesson, but it is not a pure dark technique. It is used...
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Alpha Male
Alpha Male The key to the True Power of guidance over people is taking on the ancient "cave man" role of the pack leade...
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Altering the Past
Altering the Past People say you can’t change the past, but that’s not really true. All that survives of it is our rem...
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Ambition and Motivation
One of the most cliché things ever spoken One of the most cliché things ever spoken is how “ambition” is the number one...
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An Attitude Problem
Attitudes are really mindsets Some are bright and happy, some are cynical and some are pretty bleak. They are also habi...
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An Introduction to the Open Training Program
Open Training Program _Let us forget the notion that each aspect has a training program._ _Sometimes they have one; so...
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An Overview of Mindfulness
Mindfulness [Mindfulness](
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Anger Inner Feelings Meditation
Anger (Inner Feelings) Meditation The question was asked about Anger Meditation. This is one I know of. Find value and ...
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Apology for Passion
Apology for Passion Appendix 3: The apology for passion The cross examiner asks: You speak of passion. And what is th...
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Arming Meditation
Arming Meditation _Requires understanding of the elemental principles outlined here:_ [A System](https://www.forceacade...
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Art of Manipulation
The Art of Manipulation Manipulation: a strange, emotionally intense dance between one or more individuals. Its prima...
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Aspect of Light and Dark
The ancient mystics of the galaxy The ancient mystics of the galaxy have long studied the omnipresent nature of the For...
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Aspects of the Dark Adept 1 the Farmer
The Farmer The first thing God asks of His people is to know and recognize Him. He is the source of all laws and revela...
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Assessing the Intellect
Assessing the Intellect The very essence of our being is in our thoughts. They form our personalities, our perceptions,...
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Assessing the Mundane
Assessing The Mundane This lecture is a counterpart to the lecture on the nature of [control](http://www.forceacademy.c...
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Assessing Your Life Now
The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." ...
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Associations Our behavioral patterns are a product of our life experiences, positive and negative. With each experience...
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Atlas _Atlas almost immediately acquired the attention of Prometheus Unbound when he joined the Force community in 2007...
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Aum The flow of all things is to be born, to live, and to die. This flow is eternal, and is reflected in the [breath](h...
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Baal Legato
About Baal Legato One of the founders of Force Realism, and founder of the Jedi Academy. History of Baal Legato Lega...
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Getting Started Ultimately, this is a path of the individual. It is not for me to define your path, it's not even for m...
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Belief Into Practice
One of the greatest pitfalls of belief is the fact that anyone rarely lives up to it The declaration of belief is not t...
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Believe I Am I Can
Believe I am, I can Start with saying "I can" once a day. Before important events, try saying "I can" every 15 minutes....
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Bellum Infinitus
War Unending, the Constant State of Conflict in Life, Whether Subtle or Blatant "Why?" "Why What?" "Why conflict? W...
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The Vikings The Vikings, for all who don't know, were a civilization that colonized from Scandinavia through the UK and...
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Bodies Litter the Path
The Bodies Litter the path When I arrived at this place, I brought my own baggage. I imagine you did too. Baggage abou...
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Book of Vlad
Greetings Path Walker You have been led by the conjunctions of several philosophies into one common goal. Self Discove...
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Breath Meditation
Breath Meditation Breath meditation is the basic meditation behind all others, and so can be considered the most powerf...
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Calming Breathe Technique
Breathing Technique This is a simple breathing exercise, to be practiced every day. It is useful in stressful situation...
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Cannot This is the state of mind a Darksider must get out of. It is the collective of skeptical ideas and beliefs that ...
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Captive to Whom
Title For most of us, the word captive is not one that we would think of when asked to describe ourselves. The word evo...
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Carpe Diem
Carpe Diem The Dark Aspect has never been short on lectures. Indeed, we're a volatile breed with a lot of shit to say. ...
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An organisation must be no larger than necessary Never recruit anyone merely because he wants to join. Nor seek to pers...
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Chains of Simmersilk
Chains of Simmersilk Iron and steel aren’t the only things you can forge chains with. Through past experiences, from ...
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Challenges of the Dark Side
All paths of the Force are challenging and difficult to follow All paths of the Force are challenging and difficult to ...
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Chapter I
Matters of the mundane: Chapter I Writing this essay, I am sitting on a train, which is vibrating. I am tapping a keybo...
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Chapter Ii
Chapter II The mind is arguably mankind’s greatest tool; the evolution of its cognitive abilities being the justificati...
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Chapter Iii
Chapter III Unless you are a hermit, interaction with other people will take up a large proportion of your daily life. ...
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Chapter Iv
Good plans in life are made on good research No matter how good you are, good research will always help you be better. ...
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Chapter V
The jaguar The jaguar is a skilled beast. Nocturnal by nature, it prowls the Amazon rainforest for its prey. Prey that ...
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Chapter Vi
Chapter VI We all act differently around people than we do when on our own, and we all act differently depending on wha...
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Clarity and Control
Control, control, you must learn control... Control is the key in any Jedi's life. Control of themselves must first be ...
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Codex Chapter I
Libellus ater facilis You feel pathetic, you feel weak, you feel pitiful, you are not the best. You aren’t even good. P...
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Codex Chapter Ii
What enables the enlightened rulers and good generals to conquer the enemy at every move and achieve extraordinary succe...
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Codex Chapter Iii
Chapter III You should now know why you want to follow a path of [darkness](
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Codex Chapter Iv
What holds us back from doing what is for our own good? Why are we addicted to the chores that unleash slavery upon our...
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Codex Chapter V
A person's temple A person’s temple, in the context about to be described, is very important to the individual. It is t...
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Codex Chapter Vi
Codex: Chapter VI Once the [dark]( [student](http://www.forceac...
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Codex Chapter Vii
Let us discuss the diet. It is a concept greater and more important than what most people think, on many levels. Few p...
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Conflict Irvine wrote:You said that I’m tired of the fight, that I’m running away from it. You talk about forcing peop...
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Considering the Dark Aspect of the Force
Thinking aloud. Would rather see responses here than in my Holocron; thank you. Unlike the noble Knights of Arthurian l...
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Consistency of Thought
Consistency of Thought The definition of consistency can be described as “firmness of constitution or character”; in ot...
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Control In today’s world, having a stress-filled daily schedule is normal to most people. It seems that we have a milli...
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Crucible The first thing God asks of His people is to know and recognize Him. He is the source of all laws and revelati...
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Cultivating Presence
Cultivating Presence One of the hallmarks of the Sith is their ability to manipulate their presence to their advantage...
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Cut Ups
I Living in a city means seeing things get knocked down and seeing new things built up. I grew up watching the blocks o...
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Dark Heart of Innocence
Dark Heart of Innocence It is morning, the sun unfolding upon me as I push back the heavy drapes. I explain my plans t...
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Dark Lore I
Dark Lore I Dark Lore I is taken from a Jedi Apprentice that evolves into a powerful Lord of the Sith. However, as many...
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Dark Lore Ii
Dark Lore II WE expected you to return. The first lore must have another side to its tale. As the two are equal in the ...
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Dark Lore Iii
In Dark Lore III In Dark Lore III, we venture to a parallel side of the Force. We enter the thoughts of a Jedi feeling ...
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Dark Side of the Force
Dark Side of the Force What is “The Force”? If you look for them, you can find explanations of the Force that range f...
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Dark Side Tenets
Dark Side Tenets Prologue Throughout history, followers of the Dark Side have never been organized as the Jedi were. ...
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Dark Side
Indulging in hate and revenge is like drinking saltwater--the thirst can only grow. - Jedi Caine Note from Jedi Legato:...
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Dark Teachings Inherently Flawed
Let us entertain the possibility that there are flaws in the teachings of any given darksider. Do these lead to the fa...
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Darkness and the Individual
Darkness and the Individual Darkness is about the individual. We are all bound together. But the [darksider](http://ww...
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Darkness Then and Now
Herein lies a chronological showcase of the darkness. It is so small, it is almost negligible. It covers the ideas of ...
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Darth Draconis
Darth Draconis _Founder of the Order of the Sith, and leader of the Seventh Dynasty. Draconis’ reign was one of revital...
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Darth Silus
Darth Silus _Founder of the [The Sith Holocron](/sith-holocron) was a blog and forum dedicated to creating a philosophy...
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Death and the Afterlife
Death and the Afterlife Death, and the possibility of the afterlife are topics that have fascinated mankind for as long...
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Death Meditation
Let me introduce you to a practice that the samurai used to engage in daily. It is called Death Meditation. “Meditation...
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Deception Sells
Deception Sells May 9, 2020 Dark CouncilArchive, Manipulation By Stolas November 10, 2013 - This is a sample of m...
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Defence of the Dark Side
A thread of emails from a seriously mis-informed light-sider to the Fatum Operandi. Topic: My opinion on the Darkside- ...
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Defining Self Discipline
Defining Self-Discipline Throughout history, successful people have had one obvious thing in common: self-discipline. H...
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Degrees of Control
Degrees of Control Control is a pretty meaningless word. Control what? People, circumstance… yourself? No, what people...
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Denying Emotions
Our emotions play an integral role in how we view ourselves and the world around us Emotions can be tools, stumbling bl...
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Dictionary A dictionary of common terms used in the Sith lexicon. Force Realism: The belief that the philosophies show...
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Dirk Sith
Dirk Sith _Dirk Sith was Knight of the Dark Aspect of the Force Academy, after being knighted by Kiss in 2009. He also ...
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Distorted Perception Objectivity
Perception Perception: 1 a: a result of perceiving b: a mental image 2 obsolete 3 a: awareness of the elements of envir...
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Diversity Unity Individuality
DUI "I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws." ― _Nietzsche_ What ...
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Earn Your Keep
The Forge The purpose of this exercise is to set you on the path to becoming Sith, in a way in which you cannot lie to ...
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Emotion and the Will
Anger is a living thing, feed it and it will grow “Anger is a living thing, feed it and it will grow” -Darth Sidious ...
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Emotion As Self Discipline
Emotion as Self-Discipline Emotion is the double-edged sword of humanity. It can be the ultimate form of motivation to ...
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Emotional Denial
It’s almost funny how so many people can deny how they actually feel about something, or why they do the things they do....
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Emotional Response
Emotional Response As we go about this business of living we will encounter countless things every day which will trigg...
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Emotional Tools
Emotional tools Emotional tools can be seen as tools which help us with our emotions, or they can be seen as ways in wh...
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Engineers of the Self Part Ii
Prelude to Part II Prelude to Part II Caveat emptor: this part assumes that you have engaged wholeheartedly on the pre...
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Engineers of the Self
Engineers of the Self Introduction There are, roughly, two ways to proceed in the spiritual path, or in any path where...
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Ethics of a Dark Knight
Ethics of a Dark Knight 1. They stand up for their rights. 2. They build their house on a strong foundation. 3. Their c...
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Evolution of the Emotional Approach
Evolution of the Emotional Approach The individual begins with a perception of emotions as bad, or as harmful, or as i...
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Exploring Your Morals
Exploring Your Morals This exercise is not for the faint-hearted. What we are going to touch is something that has been...
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Eye Contact
Eye Contact I write with the presumption that as you read this you are alone. Your eyes are open. You look at the world...
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Failure and Success
Failure and Success I call it a pseudo-lecture because you all should know this by now; however, experience reminds me...
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Farmer The terminology used most often when describing ourselves is usually of war; warriors, participating in the grea...
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Fatum Operandi Archive
Fatum Operandi _Due to the large amount of material produced by the Fatum Operandi course, their lectures have been mov...
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Fear Hate Sith
Fear No one really knows [fear]( This I ...
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Feeling Darkness
Feeling Darkness _Close your eyes._ _You are engulfed in darkness,_ _surrounded by it,_ _saturated._ _You will be here...
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Feeling Your Intentions
This very simple and subtle exercise is used to get a feeling for one's intention Prelims - Make sure you are sitting i...
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Fifth Dynasty
Fifth Dynasty _The Fifth Dynasty of the [Force Academy](/force-academy) was founded by [Kissed by Shiva](/kiss)._ Rich...
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Fight or Flight
Fear: 1) “An unpleasant emotional state characterized by anticipation of pain or great distress and accompanied by heig...
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Fighting the Dark Side
Fighting the Dark Side There are many things to consider when you realize you're being seduced by the dark side. The fi...
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First Day
First Day The first day, in which the masters discuss power It is a fine day. I'm glad you brought me. Looking down fr...
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First Dynasty
First Dynasty Basic Details - Who was the founder? Darius Moor AKA Moor - Founding Date: 1997 - End Date: 1999 Hist...
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They were casting a net in the lake with their net, for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them 'Come, follow me, an...
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Following Idols
Following Idols Men who follow idols rarely get as far as those they follow. People follow people for a number of reas...
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Force Academy
Force Academy Basic Details - Who was the founder? Forcemaster, and later, Moor - Founding Date: 1998 - End Date: N/A...
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Force Perspectives
Force Perspectives [The Force](
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Forge The Forge is a collection of exercise programs, written, tried and tested, exclusively for the followers of Sith ...
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Foundation This is a living document that will be updated as my vision of what a Sith is evolves. Often, when new peop...
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Fourth Dynasty
Fourth Dynasty Founded by [Noel Vock](/noel-vock), the Fourth Dynasty of the [Force Academy](/force-academy) was a cont...
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Gedi Alternative Names John B. Gordon III About Gedi Writer and Star Wars fan. History of Gedi A fictional writ...
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Grounding Meditation
Grounding Meditation "Keep your concentration here and now, where it belongs." ~Qui-Gon Jinn This is the simplest of m...
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Hate I hear many people around these halls talk of love. Embody love. Embrace love. Let love empower you. But fear hate...
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Heart of the Order
Heart of the Order Looked at honestly, is this site anything but a means of connecting with, using, and being used by ...
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Heatingcooling Technique
Heating/Cooling Technique Force Heat is a technique aimed at forming a heating sphere around the user, protecting them ...
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History of Sith Order
History of the Sith Order, successor to r/SithOrder Written from 2017/03/19 – 2017/10/20 This entry of my personal hol...
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History of Sith Realism _[Force Realism](/dictionary) has had a rich and vibrant history over the last 20+ years. Below...
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Holocron of Atlas
An Introduction Darth Atlas, that is the name I have taken for myself as a Sith Lord. Yes I am a Sith, I have chosen to...
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Holocron of Darth Draconis
Holocron of Darth Draconis _I am Darth Draconis, Sith Practitioner. This Holocron had been made to serve various purpos...
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Holocron of Darth Necrom
I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, Lord of the Night I am the keeper of Knowledge That has remained hidden for eons, N...
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Holocron of Kronos
Holocron of Kronos What is a Sith? It would be a man. A man bloody-scarred from the countless victories and failures h...
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Holocron of Luciana
The Return The Wild gifted me with an errant mind and soul. Born knowing there was more to the journey than the story ...
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Holocron of Praxus
My name is Praxus. I am a Sith Knight. My journey began in 1997, during the birth of the online Jedi community. In the ...
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The Posts CURRENT MEMBERS [Link to current members post] --- Post Title Excerpt of the post... --- Post Title ...
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How the Dark Side Can Seduce
Seduction of the Dark Side In this lecture, when we refer to light and dark, especially in reference to the light bulb,...
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How to Be Pure
How long can a man hold the gates shut? If his will and his nerve is there, he can hold them shut for all his life. But...
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How You Think
How you think Throughout the training here at [Fatum Operandi](
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Hunger Within
Hunger Within (The heart is a living thing, feed it and it will grow.) Desire, passion, will to power, hunger, intern...
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Ill Eat Your Heart
I'll Eat Your Heart A Darksiders Warning To All Potential Impediments We all want something. Or lots of somethings. ...
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Illumination One
You are not the thinker Knowing this enables you to observe 'the thinker'. The moment you start watching 'the thinker',...
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Imaginary Obligations
Imaginary Obligations There are obligations that would _seem_ to come with achievement or success. People look at your ...
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Inertia the Course of Inaction
Title: You are sitting at home, staring at the TV You are sitting at home, staring at the TV. There is nothing good on,...
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Influence of the Outside World
Everyone well knows the saying "you are what you eat." However, the same could be said for other things, such as "you ar...
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Welcome, Initiate Except, initiate isn’t quite right, is it? Initiate implies that you’ve earned your place here – that...
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Inner Peace
In this crazy rat race we call life, it is easy for us to get frustrated, confused and burned out. We’ve all been there;...
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Intention _“A gentleman never insults… accidentally.”_ My father was fond of this piece of Victorian guidance. There ...
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Internal Consistency of Thought
Internal consistency of thought The term internal consistency of thought plays an integral part within the self-advance...
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Its Not Natural
The Dark isn't Natural To truly exist in the dark, it’s not a natural state. To constantly push yourself and exceed yo...
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Jedi Academy
Jedi Academy Basic Details - Who was the founder? Baal Legato - Founding Date: 1998 - End Date: 2006 - Archive: [http...
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Jedi Council
Jedi Council Basic Details - Who was the founder? Mitth'raw, Streen, and [Relan Volkum](/relan-volkum) - Founding Dat...
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Jedi Lore
Jedi Lore Basic Details - Who was the founder? [Gedi](/gedi) a.k.a. John B. Gordon III - Founding Date: 1997 - End Da...
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Jedi Meditation Basic Technique
Jedi Meditation - Basic Technique Jedi meditation techniques have been handed down through the ages as a way of gaining...
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Jedi Praxeum
Jedi Praxeum Basic Details - Who was the founder? [Kharis Nightflyer](/kharis-nightflyer/) - Founding Date: 1995 - En...
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Joining Training
Joining doesn’t require much participation, if any at all. It isn’t mandated that you take advantage of the training, a...
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Khaos _Khaos has been part of the force community since it's foundation, and was the leader of the Sixth Dynasty. Durin...
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Kharis Nightflyer
About Kharis Nightflyer Writer and Star Wars fan. History of Kharis Nightflyer Nightflyer never claimed to be, nor w...
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Kill Your Gods
Kill Your Gods "To those human beings who are of any concern to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatmen...
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Kiss (Kissed by Shiva) _Kiss was the leader of the Fifth Dynasty of the Force Academy. After ousting Irvine with Vock’s...
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Know Yourself
Take the time to get acquainted with yourself We know that sounds odd, but few students have ever paid enough attention...
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Ways of the Krath "Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent - that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman,...
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Kronos Kronos is a Lord of the Sith who joined the [Order of Sith](/order-of-the-sith) and the [Dark Aspect](/force-aca...
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Kyp Durrons Tale
Kyp Durron's Tale The Dark Side seems like an easy way out. It is very simple to be seduced, simply by letting out your...
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Law of Efforts and Choices
The Law of Effort The law of effort simply states that anything worth having in life requires effort, and the greater t...
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Leading the Followers
Leding the followers There are plenty of options for someone in a position of leadership. Some involve being a crutch. ...
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Legends I've recently completed a history document recording every Sith-related event found in the fictional tales that...
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Lessons from the Bear
Observing the Animal World Observing the animal world and contacting the spirit of those animals can reveal much to the...
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Lessons from the Kingfisher
Lessons from the Kingfisher The Kingfisher perches himself on a branch overhanging a river. He sits still. As he lies i...
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Lessons from the Piranha
Lessons from the piranha During my time around the Dark Aspect, the analogy that has had more impact on its whole philo...
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Life of a Star
Life of a star _I prefer to do this meditation outside at night, you can do it inside though as well. However I have a ...
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Living Meditation
The warrior stands in meditation The warrior stands in [meditation](
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Lords of the Sith
Lords of the Sith _This a collection of all the individual works by the teachers within the Sith Realism Community. All...
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Loss It is my intention to raise in this dialogue the topic of loss and grief and how one deals with it in their life. ...
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Luciana Sith Code
On the Sith Code Every now and then the question crops up as to whether the Sith Code – a work of fiction – is applica...
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Luciana _A member of the Force Realist communities since 2005, Luciana joined the Order of the Sith in 2010, and was kn...
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Masses Vs Self
Masses vs Self There are three terms that often get used interchangeably (and wrongfully so), yet few people truly unde...
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Mastering the Mundane
Life can be very complicated for those of us who wear too many "hats", so to speak. Some of us are students, career peop...
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Memory Discovering Your Senses
Exploring Your Senses Everyone has a natural tendency to lean towards different styles of learning, this is reflected i...
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Memory Emotional Meditations
Understanding Triggers As humans are creatures of habit, triggers are present in and affect all our lives, often withou...
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Memory Mastering the Basics
Developing Control Over Time and Focus This section, I'm afraid might seem a little dry. It's unfortunate, but necessar...
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Mental Predisposition
Mental Predisposition Thoughts of a young lady: Sometimes I love to go and sit outside in the sunshine. The idea thril...
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Mental Warfare
Mental Warfare Any pursuit that you wish to partake in, whether it is persuading the opposing target through psychologi...
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Miles Miles first joined the online Sith communities in 2008 and was Knighted in 2009. Drawing heavily on his years of ...
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Mind Over Matter
Mind Over Matter By Dirk Sith Without question, our preconceptions and attitudes color our experiences to the point th...
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Mindfullness Meditation
In my opinion, one of the most important steps one can take along any spiritual path is to begin a program of regular me...
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Mindfullness on the Airfield
Mindfulness of the Airfield I see a [mindfulness](
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Mindfulness [Mindfulness]( practic...
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Mission Tactics
Intent A [darksider]( should have an idea of their end g...
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Moon Gateway Meditation
The Moon Gateway Meditation We are going to initiate the moon gateway meditation, a meditation that can invoke true pow...
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Moor _A follower of witchcraft, Moor founded the Dark Aspect at the Force Academy in the late nineties. Moor suggested...
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Moors Meditation
Moor's Meditation Introduction by Kronos _Most truth, I’ve found, is simple._ _Moor had a tendency to write eloquen...
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Moors Secrets
These are a collection of posts by Moor, that I think add value and understanding to his lectures. First off, I must sa...
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Moors View of the Force
What is the Force? There are many diverse opinions on what the Force is. What started out as a vision of George Lucas h...
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Morality The Sith perspective on morality is an interesting one to be sure, and something I have thought on at great le...
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Mundane Reality
Mundane Reality Now that you see how everything is a part of the whole, you'll understand why I begin your journey by s...
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Musings of a Darksider
Volume I: Fragments & Musings This volume is a collection of fragmented musings, some appearing more wholesome than oth...
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My Name Is Fight
Appendix 1: My Name is Fight I have fell a trillion times, I have faced a thousand enemies, I have tasted defeat, ...
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My Talents
My Talents We are at a point where we examine our skills, abilities, talents. We are examining the things within oursel...
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My Welcome
Welcome Welcome, we have been expecting you. Take your first step into the more powerful, true aspect of the Force. Her...
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Nature of Darkness
Nature of darkness _“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for...
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Nature of Fear
Nature of Fear To understand fear, its nature, its purpose, and ultimately how to use it you must understand where fea...
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Nature of Language
Nature of Reality _“Language is a cracked kettle on which we beat crude rhythms for bears to dance to, when we long to ...
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Nature of the Force
From lifelessness came life; from dead matter came spirit With life came perception: the perception of beauty and uglin...
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Necrom _Necrom was Dark Lord of the Sith at the Order of the Sith, and part of the first Sith Trivium._ Essays - [Ho...
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Nihilistic Spirals
The Empty The Void. Hollowness. You can call it whatever you like. A state of nihilism, wherein nothing seems to matter...
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No Star Ever Rose or Set
Appendix 4: No star ever rose or set without influence somewhere No star ever rose or set without influence somewhere. ...
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Noel Vock
Noel Vock _Noel Vock was the leader of the Fourth Dynasty of the Force Academy. Vock believes that humans are at their ...
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Noil Me Tangere
Noli me Tangere / "Touch me not" John 20: 13-17 "They have taken my Lord away" she replied "and I know not where they...
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Not Peace but War
Not Peace, but War "I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptis...
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Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
Lie down. Comfort is optional. In my experience, becoming uncomfortable sometimes helps. It seems like something to kin...
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Oath of the Dark Side
I am the Heart of Darkness I know no fear, But rather instill it in my enemies. I am the destroyer of worlds. I k...
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Observing Freedom
Observing Freedom Today is the 4th of July, America's Independence day. Hundreds of years ago, Americans fought a war t...
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Of Good and Evil
Driven by ambition and the desires of the flesh, unconstrained by any political or social instinct, unguided by a hidden...
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Of Lifters and Climbers
Of Lifters and Climbers Along the side of a road was a tall cliff. From the top of the cliff hung a rope. A friendly,...
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On Emotion
On emotion A man traveled down a mountain path and came to a farm. On the porch were a farmer and his dog. The man wal...
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On Greatness
On Greatness You may have become used to being told that you are special. You were told by the masters of what some now...
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On Meditation
Meditation [Meditation]( is not an escape. It must always...
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On Obtaining Power
How then are we to achieve this power? One may think that the type of power that I imply can come only through a revolu...
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On Power and What It Is
On Power and What It Is One of the things that gets talked about a lot is power and the attainment of it. There’s the...
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On Purpose
On Purpose We speak much about purpose, as a goal toward which to apply yourself, to draw you on against odds. In old a...
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On the Force
On the Force I have heard others talk about the Force as though it were a river, moving without intent, although it ca...
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On Titles
On Titles Few here ever become Knights. Some misunderstand the reasoning and value of our strict criteria, and as a re...
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On Truth
We are all liars We lie in every social pretence, in every mitigation of every word. All our ceremonies, all our custom...
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On Your Life and Your Control of It
How Many People Do You Think Live in Your World? " many people do you think live in your world? You say four bill...
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Order of the Sith
Order of the Sith The Order of the Sith, founded by [Darth Draconis](/darth-draconis), was one of the longest running S...
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Orders _Over the last 30+ years, thousands of people from around the world have come together to explore and develop Si...
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Our Goal
Our Goal The long term goal of our order, as unattainable as it may sound, is the large scale reshaping of society to f...
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Overlooking the Sea
I stand poised at the brink Before me lies an endless sea of possibilities, shifting, ebbing, flowing, ever in motion. ...
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Overview of the Sith
Overview of the Sith and Sithology THE NOMAD: In humanity's beginning, humans lived as they originally should, without ...
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Overview [Mindfulness]( is...
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Pain Pain can be used, most people try to hide from pain, some try to ignore it. Pain is one of the greatest tools at ...
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Path of Darkness
Does the Force use the Jedi, or the Jedi use the Force? To use the Force, one must be at harmony with it. Only when cal...
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Path of the Death Eater
Path of a Death Eater I am a Death eater. Death does initially cause fear in the uninitiated. In my profession, deat...
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Perceptional Reality
Perceptional Reality In any discussion on the topic of Reality, inevitably will arise the concept of Perceptional Reali...
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Philosophy It is often said that in order to understand and possess some quality in life, one has to have a purpose. Th...
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Pink Elephant
Whatever you do, don't think of a pink elephant. Nothing. What is it? Or what isn't it? Can we define "nothing"? Can we...
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Practical Sith Code
Practical Sith Code There are many codes in life, and each individual finds one, or makes up his own that he follows. ...
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Praxus Axioms
Praxus Axioms _Note from Kronos: I'm not sure if Praxus is around anymore, but I got a lot of value from his thoughts o...
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Prestige Progression
Prestige Progression If you've made it this far, you're probably asking yourself how you can stand out advance here at ...
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Privacy Policy
Who we are Our website address is: []( What personal data we collec...
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Promethus Unbound
Promethus Unbound _Prometheus Unbound was a Knight of the Dark Aspect of the Force Academy, trained by both Kiss and Mo...
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Morality Morals, as passed down from one generation to another, are usually crap. Not just because they aren’t worth s...
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Pushing Through the Line
Pushing through the line I’ve been listening to a great podcast recently that documents Rome’s rise and fall from power...
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Raw Thoughts
Raw Thoughts on Being Sith Your only master should be yourself, or you are a slave. The only vision you should follow i...
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Reactivity and Self Control 2
Reaction can be your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time In the case of reflexes, say trying to swerve ar...
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Reactivity and Self Control
Reactivity and Self-Control Reaction can be your best friend and your worst enemy at the same time. In the case of refl...
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Reading List There's no getting around that 30 years is a long time to do anything. In that time, a lot of people have...
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Reality of Power
Mastery of others is not true power. You can have the largest army in the world, and then yes, you'll have power. But ...
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Relan Volkum
About Relan Volkum One of the founders of what we today call Force Realism. History of Relan Volkum Nightflyer never...
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Relating to Others
In coming to an understanding of just how debilitating inadequate relations with others can be, let us embark upon a jou...
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Resignation Letters
Resignation Letters Collected Resignations of the Dark Council Greetings. After much discussion and thought, I regre...
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Responsibilities and a Vision
Let us talk of responsibility As it has come to pass, I have become the newest head of the Dark aspect. Whether or not ...
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I Pianists are just glorified typists, artists are just glorified painters and decorators. We talk of talent, people wh...
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Richard Irvine
Richard Irvine _Irvine was the third Head of the Dark Aspect. Irvine’s teachings were provocative – based entirely arou...
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Right Seeing 2
Right Seeing:  The Sith Meditation Chart is ...
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Right Seeing
Right Seeing Right Seeing is the cornerstone of self-improvement in Sithology as well as being the Sith's way of bestow...
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Rsithorder History
istory of the Sith Order, successor to r/SithOrder Written from 2017/03/19 – 2017/10/20 This entry of my personal ...
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he long term goal of our order, as unattainable as it may sound, is the large scale reshaping of society to further adhe...
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Rule of One
Rule of One In the lore that inspired most of us, a variety of doctrines existed throughout the history of the Sith Or...
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What do we think of when sand comes to mind? Beaches, summer, fun, bathing suits. Ever think of how sand can be related...
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Satelle Resignation
ollected Resignations of the Dark Council --- Greetings. After much discussion and thought, I regret to tender the re...
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Satelle _Satelle was the second Head of the Dark Aspect, and founder of the Fatum Operandi. For Satelle, self-understan...
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Second Day
The second day, in which the masters discuss passion You have been quiet today. Have I? Sorry. I don't mind. It's jus...
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Second Dynasty
Basic Details - Who was the founder? Satelle - Founding Date: 2000 - End Date: 2001 History Rise After ousting Moo...
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Seductive Oasis
Considering movement, at great length, Ease and comfort tell you to stay, No struggles here or need for strength, F...
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Self Analysis and Finding Your Path
Self-Analysis At some point in time, it becomes necessary to clear away all of the nice-to-know information and get dow...
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Self Control
The Way of the Sith; Self Control: Every organization has some sort of standards that are demanded or a code of behavio...
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Sense of Direction
Sense of Direction It is all well and good when someone says one has to apply their talents to have success, but what i...
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Seventh Dynasty
Seventh Dynasty Founded by Darth Draconis after the Second Interregnum, the Seventh Dynasty was a period of relative st...
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Shades of Dark Do Dances
Appendix 3: Shades of dark do dances (Being excerpts from the transcript of a meeting of Dark Knights in 2004, to the a...
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Sharpening Your Senses
We are born with six senses Seeing (eyes); Hearing (ears); Touching (skin sensors); Smelling (nose); Tasting (tongue an...
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Shroud of the Dark Side
To the Sith, secrecy is paramount to everything The natural violent and arrogant tendencies of the individual Sith make...
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Silosian Fables
Darth Ceive and the City of Massu There once was a Sith apprentice named Darth Ceive. After he was born into society, h...
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Sith As Philosophy
Sith as Philosophy Some regard the Sith Path as a philosophy. Philosophy is an academic discipline. Although there are...
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Sith Basics
Sith 101 I Begin with the philosophy. The Sith Code is the core of Sith philosophy. Read it from the [different](/und...
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Sith Code Interview With David Garner
Editors Note: This taken verbatim from an interview I found on a blog, which was later deleted. Rather than have it lost...
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Sith Culture
On Knighthood and Sith Culture The Sith Path begins with the destruction of the comfortable lie, the destruction of th...
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Sith Empire
The Sith Empire The Sith had come into being almost two thousand years ago. They were a cult given over to the Dark Sid...
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Sith Holocron
The Sith Holocron _Founded by [Darth Silus](/darth-silus), The Sith Holocron was a blog and forum dedicated to creating...
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Sith Ranks
Sith Ranks The structure of our Order is simple; everyone is split into one of two categories - there are the Sith, and...
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Sith Scrolls
A Sith Code I am the haunter of the embracing dark. I am the bringer of fear. I am the scorner of peace and tranquili...
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Sith Spirtuality
Sith Spirituality For centuries human beings have reported having powerful spiritual experiences. These experiences can...
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Sithist Cabal
Sithist Cabal _The Sithist Cabal is founded by [Seti](/seti), in response to disillusionment with the Force Academy aft...
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Sixth Dynasty
Sixth Dynasty After Khaos became acting head of the Dark aspect, the Lecture Hall was cleared out and redone by Kiss. ...
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Slow Walking
Slow Walking Most of us live in a fast paced world where information exchanges and moves at phenomenal speeds across va...
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Snowflakes On a snowy night, all snowflakes look the same. While they all are composed of the same material, it is only...
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Solus Sum
Solus Sum Some have been inquiring as to why at the end of a lot of my posts I write “Solus Sum” and what it means. It’...
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Standing Up
Codex: Standing Up - Chapter I Libellus ater facilis You feel pathetic, you feel weak, you feel pitiful, you are not t...
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Step by Step
The idea of defining one’s expectations The idea of defining one’s expectations isn’t as simple as trying to figure out...
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Survival Patterns
All of Us Have Patterns All of us have patterns of behavior that we fall back on when dealing with a pressing situation...
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Survival If you found yourself in a survival situation, how would you fare? Even if you never face something like this ...
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Surya Namaskara
Surya Namaskara Surya Namaskara (IAST: Sūrya namaskāra) or Sun Salutation (lit. "salute to the sun"), is a common seque...
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Tea Meditation
Tea Meditation I am an avid tea drinker, I love many different kinds of tea (_straight green tea being my personal favo...
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Terminology In the years of explaining the interactions of all living things and their connection to the [dark side](ht...
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The Armour
The Armour The [knight]( is born with his goals and strategy ...
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The Awakening
The Awakening When an [adept]( is fully ...
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The Bond 2
The Bond I will write now of the bond, as it is an important factor for the [Dark](
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The Bond
The Bond I will write now of the bond, as it is an important factor for the [Dark](
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The Builders
The Builders We are the builders of our fates, our destiny, our lives. It is not to others we look when we have endured...
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The Chess Board
The Chess Board I have now described the way I classify allies and foes on the chessboard of life. Today I would like t...
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The Chess Pieces 2
The gathering of knowledge can be a powerful tool. Why are you here at the Force Academy studying? Is it merely social ...
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The Chess Pieces
The gathering of knowledge can be a powerful tool. Why are you here at the Force Academy studying? Is it merely social ...
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The Classroom
The Classroom Imagine a classroom. Row after row of people sitting in front of the teacher, waiting for knowledge to be...
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The Conflict Dance
The Conflict Dance When schisms rupture and shades of dark do dances. devils dine with devils and see, another conflict...
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The Dance of Mortality
The Dance of Mortality In this thriving, vibrant garden, This strange and shadowy place, Both life and death dance ...
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The Dark Is Nothing
The Dark is Nothing If I equate the individual to a black hole, the following question comes to mind: does the abyss co...
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The Dark Knight
Man has seen a millennium of religion and belief Man has seen a millennium of religion and belief, decorating civilizat...
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The Dark Philosophy
The Dark Philosophy The dark philosophy is a philosophy which teaches an openness of one's mind, an embracing of all th...
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The Dark Side Itself
The Dark Side The Dark Side of the Force. Much has been said about it, and it’s certainly been the focus point of many ...
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The Dark Side
Beware the Dark Side... Pure rage and hate-filled aggression are the essence of the Dark Jedi. They are the children of...
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The Dark Spirit
The Dark Spirit From fury, refined and harnessed, comes a hate that is unabashed and change-loving, hurtling forwards, ...
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The Dark Throne
The Dark Throne Once upon a time, in a planet previously known as "The great barren", there was a city built around a d...
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The Dark Warrior
Confucius once said that only the supremely wise and the ignorant do not alter. Everything must change. When I decided ...
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The Dynamics of Self Loathing
The Dynamics of Self Loathing The acolyte begins his journey being mostly clueless about himself and his role in the wo...
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The Entity
The Entity The single notion of existence has always been overestimated and misunderstood by so many. They have overloo...
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The Fear Before the Fall
The Fear Before the Fall Tripping happens. Falling happens. I can spend my whole afraid I might fall, and actively pla...
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The First Interregnum
The First Interregnum WHAT WAS IT? The First Interregnum was a two-year period where no leader was able to successful...
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The Flowers of Evil
The Flowers of Evil Interview With A Dark Side Devotee What are “The Flowers of Evil”? Every word, every action, every...
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The Focus of the Dark Side
The Focus of the Dark Side Unlike the Light Side of the Force, which embraces the whole, the entire focus of the Dark S...
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The Force 2
The Force is what gives a Jedi his power "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetr...
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The Force 3
The Force As you all would know, we as Jedi are not the only 'New Agers' in the world today. We have Psychics, wiccans ...
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The Force R Sithorder
Disclaimer: This entry was written while still associated with r/SithOrder Disclaimer: This entry was written while sti...
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The Force
The Force The Force: The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. Do. Or do not, there is no try. It's an energy field c...
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The Great Barren
The Great Barren In an ancient, long lost Sith Empire, there was once a planet known as The Great Barren. No lifeform i...
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The Holocron Meditation
Holocron For this meditation, sit where you like, in a position you are comfortable with, and close your eyes. Within y...
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The Honesty of Darkness
The Honesty of Darkness The death of a star - falling in upon itself - takes place in those of strength; those too weak...
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The Importance of Frame Control
The Importance of Frame Control Many times I see young children with mothers. The kid misbehaves, the mother reacts agg...
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The Importance of Framing Control
Many times I see young children with mothers Many times I see young children with mothers. The kid misbehaves, the moth...
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The Initial Link
The Initial Link The Initial Link is a concept I discuss often. Initial meaning 'first' and 'link' relating to chain li...
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The Institution
An Apparatus For Dark Adepts One of three long-standing aspects of the Force Academy, the Dark Aspect has been an integ...
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The Maelstrom
The designation of time Organisation. Order. For many these are necessary tasks. For some they are the emergency brakes...
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The Nature of Attachment
Why Are We Drawn to the Things We Are? What makes us decide we like or relate better to one type of person, object, or ...
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The Nature of Control
Control The word control invokes a lot of images. Some see it as something they will never have. Others see it as somet...
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The Nature of Monsters
The Nature of Monsters _Monsters come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes it's the very people who are supposed to be pr...
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The Nature of the Dark Side 2
The nature of the Dark Side Unlike the Light Side of the Force, which embraces the whole, the entire focus of the Dark ...
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The Nature of the Dark Side
Unlike the Light Side of the Force Unlike the Light Side of the Force, which embraces the whole, the entire focus of th...
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The Necessity of Anger
He who sees injustice and does not become angry is not a good man. I had a dream one night. I was perfectly calm and cl...
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The New Enemy
The New Enemy The Rebel Alliance has always been nothing more than a simple scapegoat to me. A reason to further underm...
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The Night
Do you bolt the door when night comes? Do you keep the night outside and put a locked door between yourself and the dar...
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The Pack
Jensari The Jensari are much like a pack of [wolves](
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The Page and Its Symbolism
The Page and its Symbolism I thought that it would be good to explain a little about the site and the meaning behind a ...
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The Path of Darkness
Your hand now holds the wisdom of the ages The map to the gateway of the Universe. It is small in size but large in wis...
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The Path of Heresy
The Path of Heresy 'Heresy' is a word I resonated with from the moment I heard it spoken with passion. While this is na...
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The Putrified Pond
The Putrified Pond Growth requires stillness. In our chaotic lives there is too much movement all around that is not ...
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The Room
You are in a room You have known this room your whole life. It is well-lit and well-defined, almost so bright that it's...
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The Second Heart
The Second Heart An Introduction to the Second Heart The second heart is a key concept in understanding the mysticism ...
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The Second Interregnum
What was it? The Second Interregnum was a five-year period where no leader was able to successfully implement a lasting...
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The Sith Ideology
The New Sith Order Within the history of philosophy, we find that we, as a species, have the capacity for, and indeed, ...
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The Sith Path One Interpretation
The Sith path I have read many interpretations from those who are not Sith about what it is to be a Sith, what it is t...
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The Source Unveiled
The Source Unveiled Since the days, of what has come to be known as the "first dynasty", there has not been as much att...
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The Students Approach
A Method Of Discovering & Strengthening Oneself The people that find their way to the Force Academy and make the choice...
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The Sword of Darkness
The Sword of Darkness We who carry the Keys forward are considered as Victors of the Sword of Darkness. We seek the pow...
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The Sword
The process of the armor The process of the armor is a steady process that evolves throughout the life of a knight. It ...
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The Temple of the Jedi Arts
The Temple of the Jedi Arts _The Temple of the Jedi Arts was built around the idea of learning real lessons from the my...
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The Universe
The Universe "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your Philosophy" - William Shak...
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The Unseen Warrior
The Unseen Warrior Everyone reading this is in school, or has been in school; WE see the constant intimidation of peopl...
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The Victim
The Victim The home of our greatest weakness is also the home of our greatest strengths. Nowhere is this reflected mor...
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The Windswept Mountain
The Windswept Mountain Every Sith has a similar level of control that is expected. However, our emotions, especially no...
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There Is No Unity
There is No Unity The Sith will never be identified as a whole, under one united front. There are individuals, and som...
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Third Day
The third day, in which the masters discuss conflict This is the third day we've been walking now. And it's taken me a ...
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Third Dynasty
Third Dynasty _The Third Dynasty of the [Force Academy](/force-academy) was founded by [Richard Irvine](/richard-irvine...
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Three Lessons
Three Lessons This is the account of three lessons which were presented to me during a period of [meditation](http://ww...
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Traits of the Dark Warrior
Control Control enables a harmonious containment of energy characteristic of present centeredness. It allows energy to f...
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Treachery is everywhere The world is a treacherous place. A Dark Adept comes to know that treachery is empowering. All ...
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Two Tier System
Two Tier System We have one tenet to live by here; Earn your place. Make no mistake, you are _not_ Sith - not _yet_. Y...
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Understanding the Code
Understanding the Sith Code _An analysis of the Sith Code by Kronos._ Peace is a lie... Is peace a lie? I think so. ...
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Unity in the Force
Unity in the force Everything that exists exists within The Force. There is nothing outside of The Force, for The Force...
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Victorious On the hunt, the predator searches. Exploring, listening, tasting the air, it actively works to bring prey...
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Viewing Myself
As you look in the mirror, who do you see? How do you feel about that self? Do you know why? Self Image, something many...
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Violence Militancy and Purpose
I really need to address something that I'm seeing too often from the warriors on the board. What is the purpose of you...
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Virtues of a Sith
Sith Virtues _A non-comprehensive list of the virtues a Sith aspires to._ --- The Sith Path: Being Sith is about con...
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Voice As Creation
Voice as Creation The infant heralds her will upon the world with a shriek. Voices are often small. The inexperienced...
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I have nothing. "There is nothing to look forward to." "I am nothing." At one point or another, every single person h...
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Waiting by the Fire
Waiting by the Fire There are those who look to the warm sun as it moves through the heavens and embrace it’s warmth. ...
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Waking Up
Waking up The way of the [Dark]( is to learn, practice, do and ...
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Warriors Walk
Its time to reengage your Warrior’s attention It's time to reengage your warrior's attention, but ever so slightly as y...
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Watchmakers In a small Swiss town there was once a Watch Maker. About every three months a Patron would come and purch...
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Way of the Sith
Way of the Sith The way of the Sith is both natural and unnatural; unnatural because it flies in the face of the way h...
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Ways of the Force
Ways of the force There are many ways to see things. Interpretation and opinion give us many questions and answers. The...
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Weak Points
Weak Points All of us have “weak points,” given areas that we do not function or perform to our expectations. For some ...
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Welcome to the Temple
Welcome stranger to these halls. This temple is a place of awe, but do not be fooled by its aesthetics; many jewels gli...
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Welcome To the Silosian Academy of the Sith Lords! I hope this shall become an invaluable tool to you eventually, but ...
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Well Being of Your Physical Seld
Well Being of Your Physical Self With all the attention given in this course on the mind, it's easy to think that the m...
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What Makes You Tick
Why do we act the way we do? Why is it that some things that would normally bother just about anyone else seem to have ...
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Whatever Doesnt Kill You
leaves a scar, makes you stranger, and makes you stronger. That’s a juxtaposition of three different variations of a sen...
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Whence Springs This Feeling
Whence springs this feeling Once we have observed ourselves and noted our emotional responses to various situations, we...
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Who Shall Succeed
The darkness that is within us all must be nourished and set free before the time comes when it will be extinguished. Wi...
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Why Be Sith
The Call to Adventure MYTHOLOGY AND CAMPBELL: Mythology is the most ancient form of story told by mankind. Like so many...
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Why Do I Want to Be a Jensari
Why do I want to be a Jensari? How will it benefit me? To answer such questions as these, you need to answer the ones y...
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Why Do I Want to Be Jensari
Jensari Why do I want to be a [Jensari](
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William Kaede
William Kaede - [William Kaede's Blog]( - [The initial l...
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Worthy to Whom
Worthy to Whom There’s a hang-up I’ve seen in people... and in the past, I’ve even seen it in myself. The tendency of y...
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Your Destiny Compass
Your compass - "You are what your deep, driving desire is. As your desire is, so is your will. As your will is, so is y...
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Your Emotions Betray You
Your emotions betray you Now the time has come to interact with the manifold powers of the force. We will begin with t...
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